January 10, 2025

VIDEO: The Brew City Garlic Harvest

In this episode I show you how to determine if your garlic is ready and my “epic” garlic harvest for the 2018 season! Get ready for a huge surprise! Thanks for watching. C’ya! Check out our Facebook Page!: https://www.facebook.com/brewcitygard… I am happy to make these videos without compensation because I enjoy contributing to the community.…

VIDEO: Garlic Harvest 2018

It’s time to harvest garlic! I think this is the best garlic harvest we have ever had. Most of the heads were big and pretty. Last year we waited a little too long and a lot of the cloves had sprouted. I think we caught it at about the right time this year.

VIDEO: How To Grow Garlic At Home-Fast N Easy

HOW TO GROW GARLIC AT HOME-EASIEST METHOD EVER There are several reasons to plant garlic. First up, it is relatively easy to grow and highly rewarding. Also, growing your own garlic means you get to eat a fresh, organic product and one that hasn’t been imported. DAIZZ’S TIPS:- Growing your own garlic means you get…

VIDEO: Growing Garlic from Planting to Harvest

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx. Gorgeous garlic packs a pungent punch, making it an indispensable addition to so many recipes – and every vegetable garden. Garlic is best planted before winter in many areas. It’s very easy to grow – all it needs to thrive is a sunny spot and good drainage.…

VIDEO: Planting Fall Garlic

We are planting our fall garlic. Garlic should be planted 4-5 inches apart and they should be planted around 30-35 days until the first frost. Garlic are a fun and easy plant to grow and are very expensive in the store, so give them a try! We do more than, JUST, YouTube! Check more MIgardener…

VIDEO: Urban Gardener

If you’re a budding gardener then let me help you to grow your skills as well as your plants!.my YouTube channel Urban Gardener contains lots of information to help you get started in your garden and get the best from your seeds and plants. Not sure where to begin? Take a look at my channel…

VIDEO: The Largest Garlic Cloves EVER!

We are planting garlic in the garden today and we have been growing a variety of garlic that was given to us by a local farmer for years. It is grown for its bulb mutations that make massive cloves. Not elephant garlic mind you… regular garlic. And they are HUGE. .99 Heirloom Vegetable Seeds: http:www.migardener.com/store…

VIDEO: Putting Mrs. MIgardener to The Test Planting Garlic

In this short but fun episode Sindy will be planting garlic. She claims to have watched all my episodes, and I have my doubts, so we will see how well she does, and we will see if she has really seen EVERY episode. Enjoy! How to Plant Garlic VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrH91NNH4Xk .99 Heirloom Vegetable Seeds: http://www.migardener.com/store…