VIDEO: Success with my okra, finally
Finally success with okra.
The best gardening & homesteading channels on Youtube
A simple install turns into a nightmare!
Refurbishing an old patio table. music by Creative Commons License 3.0
I had many appointments last week and did not get much accomplished. Hopefully more to come.
Old beds re-made and garden terraced. Realized I had re-learned an old lesson.
Made some modifications to my greenhouse to stop it collapsing under rain. Have harvested the last of our apples and preparing to make apple sauce, apple butter, jelly and dehydrating.
First time sauerkraut fermentation. If you wish to skip the intro the preparation begins at 8:15.
Yeah, loss for words. Don’t know what else to say about this.
When hardening off the yacon I managed to sun scald it badly. When I set it out permanently I placed each in a different location that received direct sun exposure at different times of the day. Each has recovered. You be the judge.
Did some more shredding today for my mother in law. A few points I wanted to share. I definitely feel one of these is very beneficial if one has a lot of cuttings or can gain acces to them. Talk to the neighbors and get theirs. Stop and ask when you see people cutting. Don’t…
A look at what little I have managed to get done during all the turmoil we’ve had the last few months and a description of how I plan to set out some of the seedlings I have started.
Check out Skinny medics channel
Little bit on the 3rd garden area. We’ve had to pull back on working on it for many reasons this summer and it is not as far along as I had hoped.
The orchard garden is a bit behind like everything else this year.
I have a problem area that is difficult to work with due to the slope and lots of rocks scattered everywhere making it difficult to work so I combined the two for a solution.
Way behind this year. Showing a little of what I’ve got and a few space saving methods I am trying. Also need help identifying a problem with my Yacon.
Got the manure. More than I expected at one time but less than I will need. No worries, I’m acquainted with the factory owner.
Testing the three elements I plan to use for the potting mix for the biochar trials. Peat, compost/potting soil and worm castings mixed with biochar. I am also testing the worm castings without biochar as well.
I’m experimenting in the kitchen with Quinoa added to a casserole type thingy. Opening a can is not cooking. Taste test at end.
I don’t do many cooking vids but thought I would make this one primarily just toshow people that they don’t HAVE to follow recipes. Just know what you like.