June 8, 2024

VIDEO: EZ How to Make a Powdery Mildew Spray – Baking Soda Fungicide

http://organichomegrown.blogspot.co.uk/ We often get this problem but this is how we tackle it, simply add a bit of baking soda to a quart or half quart of water. There are full readable instructions towards the end of the video. I will be soon making a video on tackling tomato blight too.
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11 thoughts on “VIDEO: EZ How to Make a Powdery Mildew Spray – Baking Soda Fungicide

  1. Hey Huw great video that recipe can work also for early blight too but I have a question what is savory cabbage lool I got the seed says its savory cabbage I thought it was kale but its savory cabbage any idea about it I'll be glad to see a response 🙂

  2. PLEASE READ: Havnt seen anything on this video from the creator really so cautionary method for new growers.

    Too much baking soda to water for my plant. Got quite a bit of burn so spraying them down hard with water to salvage what I can and flushing soil after leaf drip. May work for zuchinni leaves though so cant say much about that but this concentration at 85-95 degrees CAN burn your leaves if its tomatoes so exercise caution.

    If you need an example look up "leaf burn baking soda"…. yup the stuff on the tomato video CAN happen so again tread lightly.
    Learning the hard way every day..

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