June 9, 2024

18 thoughts on “VIDEO: Canning Tomato Sauce

  1. Almost the same. but we don't do ice water . you said you cored. I never seen you remove the core so that maybe different than what we call core to. it's funny how families do thing different. Looks great.

  2. Thanks for sharing the process of doing the mater sauce!!
    Nice big harvest of corn also, i'll be happy if i get a handful of good ones outta my garden.
    Have a good'nnn

  3. What a wonderful bounty!!! So what happens with the caned items, are the stored at room temp? Do they need to be stored in the dark? I bet you have a spreadsheet for everything canned or frozen and you cross off what you use to keep track of everything! I am glad to see that you all work so well together, please say hi to Al for me!!!!

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