March 13, 2025

VIDEO: I'll NEVER Use Heatlamps Again | VLOG | Roots and Refuge

A Heatlamp accident left our quail dead…. We are just so relieved it wasnt worse.

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24 thoughts on “VIDEO: I'll NEVER Use Heatlamps Again | VLOG | Roots and Refuge

  1. I love Ben's smile. it warms my heart. I also cant believe HOW TALL your pea plants are!!
    See the material scavangers…i call that URBAN MINING i have magnets for my wee truck that say Urban Miner.

    wow! i was going to get a heat lamp because i also have wee baby quail. they are the chinese painted variety. they are so tiny and cute. and i accidentally squashed one under the wee drinker i had in the cage. i shooed them away and didnt see the wee thing go back and i put the drinker on it. killed it. its gut wrenching really but it wont be a mistake i make again any time soon. i still have 4 very healthy and growing birds and i really like them. Happy mothers day to you too (im a bit behind in my youtube watching) and thanks Ben! as its finally warm enough to plant my stuff too here in Northern Ireland….im moving to AK im jealous of your peas LOL.

  2. New gardener here! Is it normal to have your garden started and off to a great start ( now I’m just watering and checking things/weeding everyday)…. only to want to add MORE to it?! Gosh it’s addicting! I’m already dreaming to what I can plant this fall and add on next spring!

  3. I hope you have some good smoke alarms on all levels of your house. The batteries in the ones they sell now usually last for 10 years.

  4. I live in the "inland" NW. Washington state SE corner. We're zoned 7a/7b so I guess similar to y'all's farm. Had snow until end of March here (not typical) so I'm a little behind. Looking forward to the dry hot summer here. Love watching the channel. Always inspired to keep trying on my 1/8th acre urban homestead. God bless all

  5. I keep reptiles and therefore ha e heatlamps running most of the time. You must make sure that the fitting you are using is appropriate for the bulbs. If you are planning on using any type of heat light, lamp, ceramic heat elements, you should seek advice from an electrician to ensure you have the correct equipment.

    So sad about your baby's Jess xxx
    Your farm is looking beautiful ❤

  6. It’s always exciting and a bit scary starting new projects on the homestead. We have a wood scraps pile too. My son only wanted tools and nails and screws for Christmas (he’s six). And since then the scrap wood pile has been dwindling. He made his little sister bunk beds for her dolls, he made two new chicken roost for the chickens, and he wants to make a step stool next. Makes my heart happy to see him enjoy working and building and creating things on his own.

  7. Thank you so much for sharing the flip-side of the potential damage a heat lamp is capable of causing. We are so sorry and saddened to learn of the loss of your baby quail. At the same time, we are very grateful that you have shared the potential extent of destruction that even just one heat lamp can cause. Learning this, we will not implement even one, and are sure that many others following you will not use one either. We are just one family. With the multitude of your appreciative vlog subscribers, it is highly likely that sharing your personal experience on just one heat lamp has already, and will in the future, prevent and protect many others' homes, farms, ranches, homesteads, and urban homesteads from what could have otherwise happened. We could see your pain having to recount this sad experience, and for your concern for all of us, our family, and many others are most grateful.
    🙁 & 🙂

  8. Just subbed you very recent, I am loving your channel. Your little boy is PRECIOUS as can be, what a little sweety he is. Those curly haired pigs are kinda cute too what are those? Ive never seens pigs like that anywhere. P.S. Im crazy about tomatoes too lol

  9. OMG, what type of pigs are those with the curly hair? I've not ever seen them before, not even at the state fair. I live in Indiana. I love your videos and I have learned so much. First time gardening was last summer and that was Topsy Turvy Tomato plants. This year I have about six tomato plants, 1 sweet bell pepper plant, 2 green bean plants and a cucumber plant. I am so excited to see what is in store.

  10. We've have a Brinsea Eco-glow brooder for 3 years now and it's never missed a beat. So much better than the light we used to use and it's only 12V so much more economical to use as well.

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