December 22, 2024

9 thoughts on “VIDEO: Why Kale Is Sweeter In The Winter! #shorts

  1. My friend always told me the colder weather makes his winter plants taste a lot better due to them producing more sugars or something like that, glad to hear it wasn't just a wise tale! lol

  2. What a day, I get to watch a garden Quickie and get the Baker Creek seed catalog all at once ๐Ÿ™‚ I been on cloud 9 a all day ๐Ÿ™‚ Best wishes my brother for a great holiday to you and the family!

  3. I got a pack of chard seeds at the dollar tree earlier this year… still enjoying it. Wondering if it lives forever. It certainly has given a lot this year!! Also, I'll never not plant broccoli in the fall again. They have been great despite a heavy couple frosts.

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