Butcher Box
If you shop through my Butcher Box link you will get 2 lbs of FREE 100% grass-fed, grass-finished ground beef in every order for the life of your membership, plus $10 off the first box! https://bchrbox.co/scratchpantry
Azure Standard – https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=5aefb8cc26
Instagram @Acre Homestead
Harvest Right Freeze Dryer –https://affiliates.harvestright.com/idevaffiliate.php?id=1129&url=160&tid1=youtube&tid2=20211021&tid3=_WF-0osKFGw
Redmond Real Salt | Use the code ACRE for 15% off
30 Day Free Audible Membership with 2 Free Books – https://amzn.to/3mCLKyT
A Year Without The Grocery Store Book – https://amzn.to/3CE4Mdz
—— Omnivores Dilemma by Michael Pollen https://amzn.to/3IdLrm3
Online Seed Companies I Order From:
Hoss Tools – https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=862842&u=2917589&m=65739&urllink=&afftrack=
MI Gardener – https://migardener.com/?ref=4jEfPKG3z651q (Use Code ACRE for 10% OFF)
Seeds for Generations – https://seedsforgenerations.com/?utm_campaign=SeedOrganization&utm_medium=YouTube&utm_source=AcreHomestead&ref=186&campaign=SeedOrganization
Favorite Cooking Equipment Here!
Microplane – https://amzn.to/3y6oPQz
Rubber Spatulas – https://amzn.to/3EDF0r8
OXO Cookie Scoops – https://amzn.to/3dLgvwp
OXO Whisk – https://amzn.to/3pEV05E
OXO Good Grip Cutting Board – https://amzn.to/3GjlzEe
Zwilling J.A. Henckel 5 inch Chef’s Knife – https://amzn.to/3y6d2Sd
Zwilling J.A. Henckel Chef’s Set Knife – https://amzn.to/3Dz6MDy
Kitchen Shears – https://amzn.to/3lKvcUu
Boos Oils – https://amzn.to/3DBrdjc
Boos Cutting Board – https://amzn.to/3oyt0RV
Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer – https://amzn.to/3GpH32j
All-Clad 6 Piece Stainless Steel Cooking Tool Set – https://amzn.to/3GrS4jx
All-Clad 3.5 quart Pot – https://amzn.to/3GrS1Em
Le Creuset Enameled 7.5qt. Dutch Oven – https://amzn.to/3lMjBo1
American Test Kitchen Cooking School Cookbook— https://amzn.to/3sFYlC3
Nourishing Traditions – https://amzn.to/3Gr3fJr
Ball Canning Cookbook – https://amzn.to/3oyRM4o
Canning Supplies I Used:
Ball Canning Cookbook (My Favorite!!) — https://amzn.to/3w2SZlX
Oster 22 Quart Roaster Pan — https://amzn.to/2SjodX0
Stainless Steel Strainers — https://amzn.to/3eaM8As
Presto Pressure Canner — https://amzn.to/2Riy3YJ
Canning Equipment Essential Supplies Kit — https://amzn.to/3eafXkv
Pink Himalayan Salt — https://amzn.to/3ue5b2
Becky Acre Homestead
PO Box 873912 Vancouver WA 98687
Links are affiliate links, but I will only recommend items I LOVE and use daily with no extra cost to you, and it helps support the channel! Thank you for your support!
#AcreHomestead #AzureHaul #DollarTreeHaul #OnceAMonthGrocery #StockingUp #GroceryHaul
I would like to know how you like the laundry detergent!
I was thinking that too, what you led with. So sales and you don't have to use it right away just because you stocked up. Thank you Becky!
I'm a meat eater and I understand it. But I could never raise meat animals. I can't do it. Not even birds. I could not ever raise them and sell them to others. Animals on my property are pets for life. If I lived somewhere that I could hand chickens or quail then I would totally eat the eggs. But I still could not raise them or sell them for meat. I'm thankful there are plenty of people that can do I have plenty of meat to eat, lol.
??? BECKY??? What difference in taste and texture do you get by peeling and deseeding tomatoes? I have not started canning yet, but I don't do it for sauce. I put my romas in my Ninja blender whole and then dump them in the pot to make chili and absolutely love it. So I'm surprised to hear that you Jane tried it and don't like it for your ketchup.
Yes, do two separate cookie and candy videos please. More videos to watch and I do better with shorter videos and the name of what's in it in the title.
You can't do ALL the changes in your life at once so great job on changing things over time!!
Definitely toxic chemicals in makeup, body wash, soap, shampoos, etc. And so many toxins in cleaning supplies.
The cleaning supplies, you would be surprised at the money you can save and how much healthier it is using some very simple things you probably already have.
I don't except you to "fix" everything at once, but I do enjoy watching you talk about why you switched certain things.
You should really try making your own liquid laundry detergent. 5 gallon bucket for like $1 something and it works just as good (sometimes better) than the commercial stuff. I've switched everybody to it and its so easy to make.
Beautycounter for clean beauty products, but it's pricey
I had a grocery store cantaloupe create a volunteer in my compost so I transplanted it into the ground. I am in zone 5 but I was able to have 6 cantaloupe off the one plant. Would love to see a cantaloupe experiment
Will look into Azure Farms and the meat box.
I am hoping you have feed storage that is mouse/rat proof.
While I have Fancy pet mice, wildies are destructive. Suggest large metal cans or even a small metal water trough with a cover.
Can't wait to see the candy and cookie video.
What great finds from all those places! It’s the best way to shop, when things are on sale! It saves in the long run! Love the cute Valentines things you bought, and all the Valentine recipe ingredients! I like to make a heart shaped shortbread cookie filled with raspberry jam and a chocolate drizzle on top! I’m making these for Valentines Day! Your always thinking ahead, thanks for sharing all this! It gives me great ideas!
I live in Oregon, and we love the Portland Ketchup! What a great deal!
But don't forget even though you bought the tomato sauce in the jar you also can recycle the jars and you can use the lids or maybe other projects that you have in mind the newest part is that you actually did this and I've got to remember that even if there's a shortage in jars you can always go to the store and get some
Canuary OH MY I wish I had your energy. I am 71 and I want to grow up and be like you.
Will be catching up on videos and canning this weekend.
I have the same white containers from the dollar tree in my bathroom and I love them
Grove Collaborative has a beauty section that is phenomenal. It's a bit pricey, but all of the products are Earth-friendly.
As a German who has had the German Hazelnut macarons very often, I suggest just adding chopped chocolate to the dough, it tastes great and it will be very hard do add a filling or anything similar, so its great to just include the chocolate in the dough
Shhh….don’t tell anyone…I bought facial moisturizer at the Dollar Tree! Love your videos!
How much are the chocolate chips in bulk? I end up buying individual bags.
LOVE that tomato paste in jars, but I’d recommend freezing any leftovers if you don’t use it all in one recipe. Mine always molds super quick once opened, which I’m fine with since that probably means it’s more natural with fewer additives
Who was worried with me about that ketchup bottle and made moves to catch it, so it wouldn't fall to the floor?
Love ya, Becky!